Message from the President and CEO

Akihito Nakada,
President and CEO
GC SHOWAYAKUHIN CORPORATION (formerly Showa Yakuhin Kako Co., Ltd.) is regarded as a leading manufacturer of dental drugs, commanding a large share of the dental drug market.
In October 2016, GC Corporation, Japan's largest manufacturer of dental materials and equipment, acquired all shares of Showa Yakuhin Kako's common stock. GC SHOWAYAKUHIN CORPORATION intends to combine the technology and trust which Showa Yakuhin Kako built up as a dental drug manufacturer with GC Corporation's global dental market presence to provide dental drugs that can make an ever greater contribution to dental medicine.
Research shows that periodontal disease and dental caries (bacterial infection) affect whole-body health.
Periodontal disease is recognized as the sixth complication of diabetes because of the close association between these two diseases. It may also contribute to heart disease, strokes, dementia, aspiration pneumonia, rheumatoid arthritis, and premature and low birth-weight babies.
The bacteria responsible for dental caries is associated with strokes, angina and myocardial infarction.
Evidence linking oral health to whole-body health suggests that early detection and long-term management of each of the aforementioned diseases may help prevent progression to severe disease.
As the bridge between dentistry and medicine (integrating medicine and dentistry), we aim to develop much-needed dental drugs, thus contributing to the establishment of a dental treatment process which encompasses whole-body diseases, while reducing the various risks faced by patients.
The ability to chew is priceless and fundamental to the pleasure we derive from eating. We want to create a company which helps people stay healthy and enjoy their lives, improving their QOL through the provision of dental support.
We look forward to your continued support and encouragement.
Akihito Nakada, President and CEO